Mariënhof Amersfoort
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
11 spaces person_pinCapacity
6-7006 until 700 people
Hart van Holland Nijkerk
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
100-3000100 until 3000 people
Kasteel Groeneveld
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
13 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-10005 until 1000 people
Feel Good TentEvent
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
5 spaces person_pinCapacity
150-1100150 until 1100 people
Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
35 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-3505 until 350 people
KNVB Campus
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-5005 until 500 people
Hotel Theater Figi
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
16 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-5712 until 571 people
Slot Zeist
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-317615 until 3176 people
Buitengoed de Boomgaard
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
8 spaces person_pinCapacity
50-50050 until 500 people
De Landgoederij
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
12 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-120020 until 1200 people
Beeld & Geluid Hilversum
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
11 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-150015 until 1500 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
28 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-20002 until 2000 people